Seznam materialov

(chem. identity)
Abbrev. acc. to ASTM Trade names (examples) Properties vulcanised rubber/polymer Application examples
Natural rubber (cis 1.4 Polyisopren of bio synthesis) NR SMR
General purpose rubber with balanced physical properties. Non-aging and weather resistant only with suitable stabilization Tyres, conveyor belts, moulded articles of all kinds
Isoprene rubber (cis 1.4 Polyisoprene from technological synthesis) IR Natsyn
Cariflex IR
Like NR Like NR
Butadiene rubber or Polybutadiene (Polybutadiene) BR Buna CB General purpose rubber almost exclusively used in cuttings. High elasticity, drive stability, and cold flexibility. Compound element use similar to NR
Butadiene/styrene rubber (copolymere made of butadiene/styrene) SBR Buna SB
Cariflex S
Frequently used general purpose rubber. Non-aging and weather resistant only with suitable stabilization. Tires belts, moulded and extrusion articles
Chloroprene (trans 1.4 polychlorbutatiene) CR Neoprene
Rubber with a relatively high resistance to flames, weather, and aging. Medium resistance to oil and fuel. Belts, v-belts, moulded and extrusion articles.
Nitrile rubber (copolymeride made of butadiene (Acrylnitrile) NBR Perbunan
High swelling resistance to oil, fat, and fuel. Degrees of ressistance, elasticity and cold flexibility depend on the acrylnitrile content. Threre are also hydrogenated types (HNBR) with higher resistance to ozone and aging. Oil, fat and fuel resistant articles, roller coatings, hoses.
EPDM rubber (terpolymere made of ethylene/propylene and diene component) EPDM Buna AP
High resistance to aging, weather and heat. High resistance to boiling water, steam, washing and flushing agent. Moulding and extrusion articles.
Butyl rubber (copolymere made of isobutylene and little isoprene) IIR Butyl rubber
High air-tightness, good damping properties and heat resistance. There are also special halogenated types (BIIR, CIIR). Car and bicycle tubes, antivibration components
Chlorhydrine rubber (polyepochlorhydrine, copolymerizate with ethylene oxide where appropriate) CO
Hydrin High resistance to oil, fat, fuel, heat and oxygen. Oil, fat and fuel resistant articles.
Chlorosulfonated polyethylene CSM Hypalon Similar to EPDM yet better swelling resistance to oil, fat and fuel. High resistance to chemicals and flames. Moulding and extrusion articles, roller coatings, container linings.
Acrylate rubber (polyacrylate) ACM Hytemp Excellent resistance to oil, fat and fuel especially to hypoid oil. Low cold flexibility. Moulding articles
Fluoro rubber (copolymere made of fluorinated compounds) FPM Viton
Expensive special rubber with very high resistance to chemicals and heat. Moulding artices, container linings.
Silicone rubber (polymethylsiloxane with phenyl and/or vinyl groups where appropriate) M
Sila stic
High resistance to aging, weather and heat. Extremely high cold resistance. Medium resistance to fuel and oil. Food qualities, medical pharmaceutical articles.